Victor Abbah Nkoms - Articles 


These are my musings and opinions (Oh! and i can be opinionated) about various topics. Hopefully you will find them educating, entertaining, thought-provoking, or maybe even all.

How to create Sublime Text 3 snippets

When writing code, every keystroke counts. Mastering shortcuts or using snippets for your text editor or IDE will save you a significant amount of time in the long run. In this article, I will show you how to create snippets for my favourite text editor, Sublime Text.

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How I [Finally] created my website

While building this website, I struggled with making decisions about what tools to use. In this article, I share the tools I used and my rationale for using them. Hopefully, I am going to save someone the agony of making the same decision.

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10 things I learnt in 2019

At the end of every year, i like to sit down to just think about how the whole year. Think about lesson, wins, losses and so on. This is the one for 2019. I hope you pick a one or two things.

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How to Implement Account Verification and Login by Phone in Laravel

At times, you might want to create an app that uses a phone number/password pair as a means of authentication, as opposed to the normal email/password pair. At such times, verifying that your users are giving you a valid an functional phone numbers is important. This article teaches you to do so.

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Too sick to be healed. Too sinful to be saved

Jesus is not a house of grace. He is grace! He doesn’t wait for us to come to him, he comes to us.

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